Thursday, April 26, 2012

A little look around....

I seem to have fallen asleep at the wheel when it comes to posting.  I should be better about this since a few followers have commented about my lack of attention to the matter-  Dave being one of them.  So, perhaps instead of trying to come up with riveting text and witty remarks about life I should just post some pictures- not every day is a memorable event worthy of a story but pictures can tell their own tales.  So enjoy the pictures!

Some of the girls- see little Maisy tucked in the middle. Kind of like where's waldo?
One morning's collection- love the little English Trug.
New stairway that Dave built to Chicken house- 

The new garden shed- formally known as the turkey house
Happy Daffodils
Door to barn
Notice the new post and chain to deter visitors from going to the wrong door!
Sign carved by Dave's grandfather all freshly cleaned and painted.
Finally chose a color and painted upstairs landing.  Looks great!

Will be back with more pictures of the house and also more inspirational pictures soon- promise!