OK, it is a little slow in the house project department. Not much is happening with the exception of waiting for permits, the arrival of a very large and obtrusive storage container (still empty) and anxiety about starting. Meanwhile I am trying to organize myself (and this is more talk than action I must confess) in terms of stuff that I have accumulated over the years and what to put into this elusive yard sale that we keep pretending is going to happen. When I told Dave that we should really start going through the stuff in the garage he immediately went to the hardware store for another can of spider spray. With a new can of spray and that storage container do we now have any excuse not to cull through the stuff?
Meanwhile back in the house I have been going through my linens. I admit it, I have a problem with antique linens. Not the stuff that you find in Granny's attic mind you but real good linens. While many go to the department store for their bedding.... not me- I went to France to find old linen sheets. Heavy, old and lovely linen sheets. On hot summer nights like we have been having they are the coolest. I am not ashamed to tell you that I stood in front of the Air France baggage check and shed tears because my bag was over weight (those suckers are heavy) and they wanted me to pay a huge fine (which they thankfully waived that time). I am also not embarrassed to tell you that on another trip I did shell out 200 euros in a fine for the weight of my luggage. That is all behind me now. In the present, I am the proud possessor of these treasures. I was telling someone about my quest for these sheets and their comment was "someone else slept on them". Who cares... they're great.
While these are not my actual sheets- that would mean photographing the inside of my house which is an impossibility at this point in time- they are representative of what they look like.
Antique linen has a particularly unmistakable charming texture. |
Antique sheets were made on looms so they always have a seam up the center. |
Many of my sheets have wonderful monograms similar to this one. |
My problem with linen does not stop with bedding but extends to the kitchen as well. I have a lot of towels like these as well.
One of my best discoveries for new linen items has been the Brahms Mount bath towel. Hand loomed in Maine (on antique looms but not antiques themselves) they are unbelievable (
Brahms Mount Blog- Linen Towel). Linen is about the most absorbent textile you can find. This towel dries you and itself off in record time. All my other towels have been banished from the bathroom and only used for company and dogs. I am hoping to add to my collection later in the month as they always have a tent at the Common Grounds Fair in Maine. Truly worth every cent of the investment!
Do you think that there is some type of textile's anonymous that I could join?