We have been on a quest for some artwork to adorn the beautiful new walls. Not any old artwork will do but things with real age and that we truly love. Plus they have to be within our limited budget. We have been very lucky to have inherited quite a few nice works of art. I have also been lucky to have a mother that painted so we have a few of her works as well. We've added two new, what we think are wonderful pieces, to our walls in the last few months.
This first picture is from a blog somewhere, not sure where it came from but gave me the inspiration that we needed a portrait somewhere...
source unknown |
From that inspiration I was on a quest to fill the blank spot over the bed with something. One Friday I walked into an antique shop and met Andreus. I was immediately drawn to his kindly face. I wasn't quick to whisk him home- I'm not that kind of girl. Instead, I visited Andreus (I didn't even know his name then) on a series of Fridays. One day I finally got up the nerve to make an offer on the painting and propose a lay away plan. I couldn't manage another minute without him.
Meet Andreus Meneur |
When we took the painting down off the wall the proprietor said that he felt that the painting was 18th century and Dutch but he was not sure about the name on the back of the painting- Andreus Meneur- was this the gentleman posed in the painting or the painter? A google search did not come up with an answer. The painting had also been cleaned and a newly framed at some point. We also concluded that the panting had been cropped at some point due to his lack of visible hands. Dave thought that the painting was also left unfinished since the waistcoat and coat had no buttons. All part of the mystery of Andreus and his appeal. We hung the painting over our bed and he looks great!
Yesterday we went up to Brimfield to shop for the store and see what struck our fancy. We found this really cool family crest painting. Probably early 19th century. It wasn't very expensive and we thought we could say that it was Andreus' family crest. Why not? It also had the same color orange as the walls we painted the upstairs hallway.
Crest with Latin banner. Not sure what is really says. |
Looks pretty good at entrance to bedroom. |
Another area of intense concentration has been the yard. I've tried to revive the perennial bed that was dozed in the construction. I managed to save the sedums from last year and the lavender actually survived the winter for the first time ever. Maybe likes the new "poor" soil or a mild winter or both. I've also discovered geum's which are early bloomers and very pretty little flowers. My false indigo burst through the soil from nowhere and is actually is starting to bloom. So all in all it's pretty nice. I do have a bunch of stuff to move around but the basics are there and can be expanded upon.
Perennial Boarder |
We decided to wait on the raised beds this year until we give it a smaller trial start. We chose to use the raised area on the far side of the house that was already there and waiting for a purpose. So far I have some heirloom tomatoes, yellow and red onions, beets and lettuce planted. More to come! The 18th century potager come next year after we feel more confident in our veggie growing capabilities!
Veggie patch- good use of an awkward space? |
I found this amazing head of lettuce at the Farmer's Market. It was picture worthy! I'm sure my lettuce will never compare to this beauty but....
My lettuce aspirations |
Last week I received a call that the camel back sofa, that a friend promised we could have when he found a replacement couch, was finally ready for delivery! We are the proud new home for said old couch. A perfect place to just perch (you can't really slump in this one- more like a park bench than a sofa, but....) and have a glass of wine and page through a magazine. It looks pretty darn nice and homey's up the nook!
Nook with new-to-us couch |
Last week we also had a little dinner party. Obviously my favorite pass time these days. Why go out when people can come to you! Plus the food is better and I can feed 8 people for the price of just Dave and I going out. And, they usually bring some nice wine! You also can't beat the entertainment. Moose was right in the house the minute guests arrived- strutting his stuff.
Robbie and Pip watching the Moose show! |
He spent about 2 hours encircling the table making his "puff" sounds. It was hysterical! The next picture was taken at about 11:30! He was still going strong- the party animal. The guests started to leave (they were tired) and I put Moose outside for bed. He didn't roost in the pine tree that night (his usual spot) but instead stood on the basement door.
Moose still up way past his bedtime! |
He obviously didn't have too many Margarita's like some of us since he was back in the house in the morning to watch me do the dishes!