Good bye patio and walnut tree.... Hello kitchen and bedroom!
Cranberry and Gravy (not for human consumption)
We met Peter in the board room where the Zoning committee members were all assembled in their seats around the table. The guy that vetoed our garage remodel a few years back sat front and center (which made me a little nervous). There were a number of other people anxiously awaiting their turn to present their plans and learn their remodeling fates. Peter had all our plans done up nicely on foam board so that they could easily be seen by the committee. This was impressive since I have made many scientific posters in my life that did not turn out so great especially when you introduce humidity to foam board and spray glue (voila bubbles). But no bubbles with these plans. Maybe I used the wrong spray glue?
The three of us ventured into the parking lot where I think we stood for an hour or more in the dreaded heat of the evening. Dave asking plenty of questions and we all joking about a zillion things. Eventually the zoning meeting ended and everyone came into the parking lot. Peter inquired of one board member as to whether or not we had passed. He said yes! We all breathed a sigh of relief. Now we can move on to the "soil test" for the placement of the new septic system. How exciting, huh????
Apparently they want to drive trucks through my garden. Maybe to get my new kitchen it will be worth remodeling the garden too!
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